[1906 - The Coppock Barn, Monroe Township, Miami County, Ohio]

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The Barn Log - Photographs
July 31, 2004
All photographs by Ken R. Noffsinger unless otherwise noted.
Tarp 1 Tarp 2 Tarp 3
Exterior of the South Addition in the foreground; South Extension and the peak of the 1857 Barn in the background. Looking west. The 1857 Barn roof was in poor condition. It had a number of areas where water would leak into the barn during rain storms or when roof snow melted. Tarps were used to cover the roof to prevent those leaks. Anchor ropes are shown extending from the edge of the tarp on the 1857 Barn roof to anchor points on the South Extension. Exterior of the 1857 Barn, southwest side. Looking east. This is one of the first of several tarps placed on the roof to stop leaks. The tarp is held in place by 2x4 lumber anchored to the rafters through the shingles. The hope was to significantly slow interior water damage until a new roof could be put on the barn. Exterior of the 1857 Barn, southwest side. Looking east. Another view of an early tarp placed on the barn. Unfortunately, as it turned out, these tarps did not have a satisfactory service life. They were significantly degraded by the elements during the time that work was being done on the barn.

Tarp 4 Tarp 5
Exterior of the 1857 Barn, southwest side. Looking east. Another view of an early tarp placed on the roof. Exterior of the 1857 Barn, southwest side. Looking east. Final view of the tarp previously pictured. All work on the roof was done by Jim Gumbert. Given the roof's poor condition, this work carried some significant risk.
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CoppockBarn.com first appeared on December 16, 2016
Creation and content presentation by Ken R. Noffsinger: 426superbird@gmail.com
Copyright 2016 - 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Blickenstaff Cemetery
Coppock Homestead
Mill Creek Cemetery
Noffsinger Farm
Union Cemetery Ohio
West Branch Cemetery