[1906 - The Coppock Barn, Monroe Township, Miami County, Ohio]

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The Barn Log - Photographs
September 3, 2004
All photographs by Ken R. Noffsinger unless otherwise noted.
The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 1 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 2 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 3
Images one through eight were taken on the west side of the 1857 Barn. Jim Gumbert is deploying a large set of tarps on the very leaky roof. A previous tarp design had failed.

The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 4 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 5 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 6
The first tarps deployed on the roof failed. They were held in place with ropes passing through PVC pipe that spanned the tarps. Wind was able to lift the tarps, eventually damaging them to the point that they had to be removed. The next iteration of tarps to prevent roof leaks, being employed here, used two by four lumber nailed or screwed to the rafters below them, sandwiching the tarps between the lumber and the shingles. This method also failed, as eventually the lumber was pulled from the rafters by the force of the wind on the tarps.

The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 7 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 8 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 9
The ends of the tarp were anchored by ropes tied to eyelet screws in adjacent two by fours, as can be seen in this photo. This and the remaining photos show the east side of the 1857 Barn. The tarp seen here is the previous, damaged tarp. The new tarp was simply placed over it. The PVC pipe at the roof's edge allowed the tarp to pass over the eave and be anchored with ropes, without it being torn by sharp edges in that area.

The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 10 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 11 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 12

The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 13 The Barn Log Photographs - September 3, 2004 14
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CoppockBarn.com first appeared on December 16, 2016
Creation and content presentation by Ken R. Noffsinger: 426superbird@gmail.com
Copyright 2016 - 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Blickenstaff Cemetery
Coppock Homestead
Mill Creek Cemetery
Noffsinger Farm
Union Cemetery Ohio
West Branch Cemetery