[1906 - The Coppock Barn, Monroe Township, Miami County, Ohio]

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The Barn Log - Photographs
February 3, 2006
All photographs by Ken R. Noffsinger unless otherwise noted.
The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 1 The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 2 The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 3
Photographs one through nine are the last ever taken by the author from where the barn complex once stood. These photos document the removal of some of the last hand-hewn oak beams from the site. Presumably the owner either planned to use the beams himself, or sell them. The author never communicated with the owner to learn what happened to any of the wood or other materials from the Coppock barn. This wood almost certainly came from trees on the property that began their growth in the mid-18th century.

The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 4 The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 5 The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 6

The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 7 The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 8 The Barn Log Photographs - February 3, 2006 9
[Table Shoe Image]

CoppockBarn.com first appeared on December 16, 2016
Creation and content presentation by Ken R. Noffsinger: 426superbird@gmail.com
Copyright 2016 - 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Blickenstaff Cemetery
Coppock Homestead
Mill Creek Cemetery
Noffsinger Farm
Union Cemetery Ohio
West Branch Cemetery