[1906 - The Coppock Barn, Monroe Township, Miami County, Ohio]
The Barn Log - 2006

0 Days Logged

0 Hrs Worked

$0.00 Expended
1 Day Logged

0 Hrs Worked

$0.00 Expended

The Barn Log is a collection of the author's brief thoughts recorded during the time that he and others were attempting to rescue and restore the Coppock barn, spanning a timeframe from October, 2003 through February, 2006. Typically, the entries were made at the end of a long work day. Hence, they were often jotted down in haste with little regard for grammar or spelling.

For the most part, the entries presented here are verbatim as originally recorded. However, most misspellings or word omissions have been corrected, while grammar and punctuation have not been. In a few cases, the language has been softened. The author sometimes became very frustrated with events, and that frustration was sometimes strongly reflected in an entry. On some occasions, entries stray a bit from the barn work at hand, but they none-the-less reflect what was on the author's mind at the time, and as such have been included here.

A number of identical footnotes appear throughout the log from month-to-month, so that each month's entries can be better understood on their own. For example, when a person is named in multiple month's log entries, that person is introduced by footnote at their first invocation in each month's log.

It should be noted that the author's primary concern was preserving the Pennsylvania Barn built by the Coppocks in 1857. As such, a great majority of the log entries concern work done there, as opposed to portions of the barn complex built many decades later, such as the milking parlor or grain storage bins.

When photographs were taken on the same day that a log entry was made, those photos can be viewed via the links in the calendar. In many cases, links to the photos can also be found within the log entry for that day.

Admittedly, reading this entire log would be a tedious task for almost all. It is, however, the only contemporaneous record of what occurred at the barn (along with photographs) during the period from its sale out of the Coppock family until it was demolished, and thus is rightly included on this website.

Days Logged in February: 1
Hours/Minutes Worked in February: Ken 00/00; Jim 00/00; Other(s) 00/00
Amount Expended in February: $0.00

Friday, the 3rd

Saw they were carrying beams away, so I went up for a few minutes and got some photos.

February 2006
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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CoppockBarn.com first appeared on December 16, 2016
Creation and content presentation by Ken R. Noffsinger: 426superbird@gmail.com
Copyright 2016 - 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Blickenstaff Cemetery
Coppock Homestead
Mill Creek Cemetery
Noffsinger Farm
Union Cemetery Ohio
West Branch Cemetery